pb_minbotskill (value) - Sets the minimum Skill if Bots are created without
specifying the Skill. Correct values are 1-100. Default is 95.
pb_maxbotskill (value) - Sets the maximum Skill if Bots are created without
specifying the Skill. Must be bigger than minbotskill (or at least equal) of course ! Correct values are minbotskill-100.
Default is 100.
pb_minbots (value) - configure the minimum number of bots that will run
on the server. Default is 0.
pb_maxbots (value) - configure the maximum number:
a) of bots + humans (if pb_bot_quota_match is 0)
b) of bots (if pb_bot_quota_match is grater than 0)
that will be possible to run on the server (so it doesn't mean it will automatically add any bot to the server). Default is 16.
If You don't specify pb_minbots/pb_maxbots (You will comment them out in Your podbot.cfg) then the function
auto/add kick bot (described a bit below) will not work (if pb_maxbots is not assigned in podbot.cfg, then the default
is 0 for it). If You specify them - then they will support a minimum and maximum number of bots running on the server.
Bots can be added to the server (by pb add, pb fillserver commands or by pb_bot_quota_match function) until the total number
of bots and humans (pb_bot_quota_match = 0) or bots (pb_bot_quota_match > 0) reaches the pb_maxbots value.
If pb_bot_quota_match = 0 - each time a new player joins the server, a bot will be kicked from the server unless there are only
pb_minbots number of bots currently on the server; after a player disconnects from the server, bot will
be automatically added back to the server until the total number of players (bots + humans) reaches pb_maxbots again.
You should make pb_maxbots be AT LEAST one less than the mp_maxplayers value (otherwise no one will be able
to join your server). Some more explanation to this function You can find here.
That function auto add/kick doesn't work in the case if pb_bot_quota_match is defined as grater than 0 (in that case
number of bots follows the number of humans multiplied by pb_bot_quota_match (of course in the range between
pb_minbots/pb_maxbots). More info read below.
pb_bot_quota_match (value) - configure the number of bots that will match
humans on the server (number_of_bots = number_of_humans * pb_bot_quota_match). In this case number of bots will be limited
by pb_minbots and pb_maxbots settings. For that function pb_maxbots keeps the max limit of bots on the server (not max
number of bots + humans like it's for auto add/kick bot function - when pb_bot_quota_match is 0).
The work of the function matching humans is stopped by usage some of these functions - pb fillserver or pb removebots.
In both cases pb_bot_quota_match will be set to 0. If pb_bot_quota_match is grater than 0, You cannot use commands
pb add and pb remove (because of the reason the amount of bots must match humans...). Default is 0 (bots don't match humans).
pb_bot_join_team (string) - forces joining the bots to specified team (T or CT)
to overwrite the setting of the command pb add or pb fillserver. Useful if You want to keep always bots in one team against
humans in the other. Possible value of argument - "T", "CT", ANY". Default is "ANY" (bots aren't forced to join any
specific team.
pb_skin (value) - forces the bots to use the specified skin
and to overwrite the skin setting of the command pb add or pb fillserver.
Useful if You want to have always bots in one team with the same skin. Argument values: 1,2,3,4 - they are forced skins,
0,5 - default - no forcing
pb_ffa (1|0) - swiches to on the Free For All mode (bots will kill also their teamnates).
Default is 0 (off)
pb_chat (1|0) - Turns on/off Botchatting. Bots chat if they killed
someone, if the Bomb was planted or if they are dead and bored. Default is on (1).
botchat.txt file must be in addons/podbot directory even if Botchat is turned off !
pb_radio (1|0) - Turns on/off radio usage. It affects also bots reaction to
the radio command the human-players may issue. Default is on (1).
pb_latencybot [0|1|2] - Switches to on/off (1/0) showing on the scoreboard the string "BOT"
as a ping or shows a fluctuating fake ping (from the range 30-50) for bots (2). 0 and 1 are valid only for the bots they are
already created - it doesn't affect those in-game ones. Default is 2.
pb_jasonmode (1|0) - Turns on/off Jason Mode ! Meaning Bots don't buy
weapons and only use the knife for combat ! Greets to Auxois ! Use this for much fun with e.a. cs_estate
or cs_office . Default is off (0).
pb_wptfolder (folder) - Sets the default Folder for loading/saving Waypoint
Files. This folder HAS to be inside the POD-Bot Directory ! Don't put it into quotation marks and
don't use spaces or a trailing backslash ! Default folder - wptdefault
pb_detailnames (0|1|2|3) - Turns on/off the Skilldisplay behind names and the
personality ( [POD], [P*D], [P0D] ) before the name. 0 - no skill sufix and no personality prefix displayed; 1 - the skill
as sufix and the personality prefix added to the bot's name; 2 - only the personality prefix is added to the name;
3 - only the skill sufix is added to the new created bot. Default is prefix and sufix diplayed near the name of the bot added (1).
pb_numfollowuser (number) - Sets the maximum number of Bots in the team to
follow the same user (when Radio Command "Follow Me" is used). Default is 3.
pb_maxweaponpickup (number) - Sets the maximum number of weapons Bots are
allowed to pickup during a round. If You don't want to limit bots with pickuping weapons (for example while playing
CSDM or fy_ maps) You can use "-1" value. Default is 10.
pb_shootthruwalls (1|0) - This cvar specifies if Bots are allowed to
shoot through Walls if they saw an enemy or if they heard someone on the other Side of a Wall.
Default is on (1).
pb_usespeech (1|0) - Turns on/off usage of HL Engine Speech Synthesis
at the game start. Default is on (1).
pb_spray (1|0) - Set this to off to disallow Bot Logo Spraying.
Default is on (1).
pb_mapstartbotdelay (value) - Delay (in seconds) of bots joining after new
map start to prevent kick some human-players at map change. Default is 5.
pb_firsthumanrestart (1|0) - Turns on/off the function - when the first human
joins the server and there are some bots already playing there - the round is restarted. Default is (0).
pb_maxcamptime (value) - It says how many maximum seconds the bot may stay
camping in one place before going somewhere else. Default is 30 (s)
pb_autokill (1|0) - Turns on/off auto killing bots if all human players
are dead already. Default is off (0).
pb_autokilldelay (value) - Delay (in seconds) autokilling bots if
autokill is enabled. Default is 45.
These 3 settings below seriously affects the Bots Perception.
They specify the rate (in seconds) of updating some of the Bot Checks like:
some sound, some possibility of pickup any item or usage grenade by bots.
If you've got a slow computer you could try changing these to higher values to get some
performance back.If you've got a fast computer you might try lowering them to get better even better playing
pb_timer_sound (value) - Default is 1.0 (in seconds).
pb_timer_pickup (value) - Default is 0.3 (in seconds).
pb_timer_grenade (value) - Default is 0.5 (in seconds).
pb_welcomemsgs (1|0) - Lets You to enable/disable some welcome messages,
if You would like for example the people don't know there are some bots on the server.
Default is on (1).
pb_dangerfactor (value) - The setting here specifies the danger
factor with which the bots will weighten any waypoint where they have been killed in the past,
in order to avoid it later. The higher the value, the more the bot will care about these
waypoints and pick other routes instead. Progression is logarithmic. Warning: higher values
requires more CPU. Default is 2000.
pb add [skill [personality [team [model [name]]]]]
This command adds a Bot with parameters - skill You can write from 1 to 100; if You will write 101 it will mean
random skill from pb_minbotskili to pb_maxbotskill specified above.
Personality - 1 to 3 or 5 and these value mean:
- 1 - Normal [POD]
- 2 - Aggresive [P*D]
- 3 - Defensive [P0D]
- 5 - Random personality from these 3 above
Team 1 is for Terrorists, 2 for Counter Terrorists and 5 to use auto-assign. This setting might be overwritten by
forcing bots to join always one team if pb_bot_join_team is equal to "T" or "CT".
Model (class) is 1-4 or 5 (5 means random from 1 to 4).
Name is of course the name for this Bot.
Every command needs to be precedented by "pb" prefix (without quotes).
If You want to use space in the name of Your bot, You have to use quotes
(for example: pb add 100 2 1 4 "James Bond").
You may not specify some argument without these before (for example - You may not specify bot's name
without its skill nor personality nor team nor model - like this:
pb add Roger
That abobe is an invalid call of the function adding bot and then some bot with all random parameters
(including also the name) will be added to the game.
You don't need of course specify all parameters - but if You need to specify some of them exactly - all other
You have to specify as random. In our example to add some bot with the name Roger You have to write the line:
pb add 101 5 5 5 Roger
and this call of add function is correctly.
If You want to add some bot to the game with skill 100 to T team, the line should be like this:
pb add 100 5 1
In this case the parameters AFTER the latest one You need to specify - aren't important (You don't need write
anything more). The model will be selected automatically and the name will be choosen from botnames.txt file.
Some other examples:
pb add -->skill gets random based on mix\max, all else random
pb add 50 -->skill is 50 all else random
pb add 100 1 2 1 "Mr Kabby" -->all have been set
You can use this command only if pb_bot_quota_match is 0.
pb fillserver [skill [personality [team [model]]]]
Meaning of the parameters is like for add command. This command lets You fill the server by bots
until reaching by podbots + human_players(or other bots):
a) the pb_maxbots value if it is specified (different than 0)
b) mp_maxplayers if pb_maxbots is not specified (or is equal to 0)
If You want to fill Your server by bots with random skill (between pb_minbotskill and pb_maxbotskill), but as
"aggresssive" (and You don't care about their models or team), write this line:
pb fillserver 101 2
If You want for example fill the server by bots with skill 100, random personality , random team and
random model - write this line:
pb fillserver 100
If You wish to fill the server by bots, but all bots to one team only - then write this:
a) example for T team and skill 90, all else random:
pb fillserver 90 5 1
b) example for CT team and skill and personalities randomly, model 3:
pb fillserver 101 5 2 3
The rules are the same for parameters like for add command (except 'name' parameter -
for fillserver this parameter doesn't exist).
If You want to fill the server by bots to only one team, don't forget set-up game variables
mp_autoteambalance and mp_limitteams to 0.
If You are using pb fillserver command, it changes
pb_bot_quota_match to 0 (if it was something else there).
Since version 3 of podbot the access to podbotmenu is available also on a dedicated server!!!
pb_passwordkey (string) - passwordkey - needs set as setinfo on the client's PC
to get the access to the main podbot menu. Default is "_pbadminpw"
pb_password (string) - sets the password to let admin control bots on the server throw
To get the access to podbotmenu You need to write in Your podbot.cfg (on the server) the line like this:
pb_password "your_password"
and also write in autoexec.cfg the setinfo line (at Your client PC in cstrike/czero directory) as:
setinfo "_pbadminpw" "your_password"
That setinfo line above can be also typed from the client's console during the game.
In the above example You may need to write Your-own passwordkey instead default _pbadminpw - if You changed the default
setting for it as pb_passwordkey.
The string was called above as "your_password" it's just Your password You need to write in these both places -
in podbot.cfg (near pb_password) on the server and in autoexec.cfg (as setinfo line) on the client's PC.
pb_aim_type (value) - sets the aim type of bots. Available aim type:
1 = inhuman turns
2 = constant angle velocity
3 = botaim1
4 = botaim2
Default is 4 (Pierre-Marie Baty's botaim2 enabled).