// U = Opens Waypoint Editor Menu
bind "u" "pb wpmenu"
// Y = Turns on/off Waypoint Editor
bind "y" "pb wpmenu;menuselect 9;menuselect 1"
// [ = Waypoint Add Menu
bind "[" "pb wpmenu;menuselect 1"
// ] = Waypoint Delete, and answering YES to "Are you sure?"
bind "]" "pb wpmenu;menuselect 2;menuselect 1"
// I = Turns on/off Auto-Waypointing
bind "i" "pb wpmenu;menuselect 9;menuselect 2"
// P = Pathwaypoint Add
bind "p" "pb wpmenu;menuselect 5"
// O = Pathwaypoint Delete, and answering YES to "Are you sure?"
bind "o" "pb wpmenu;menuselect 6;menuselect 1"
// ; = Flagmenu
bind ";" "pb wpmenu;menuselect 4"
// F6 = Waypoint Setradius Menu
bind "F6" "pb wpmenu;menuselect 3"
// F7 = Cache waypoint
bind "F7" "pb wpmenu;menuselect 9;menuselect 7"
// F8 = Waypoint check
bind "F8" "pb wpmenu;menuselect 7"
// F9 = Waypoint save
bind "F9" "pb wpmenu;menuselect 8"
// F11 = Checks waypoints' statistics
bind "F11" "pb wp stats"